Eight genes that control levels of the principal steroid produced by the above, the adrenal glands that plays a role in aging and longevity, have been discovered by an international consortium of scientists.
Fundamentally, some of these eight genetic regions are also associated with major diseases of aging, including type 2 diabetes and lymphoma. Researchers claim that these results, published in the journal PLoS genetics on 14 April, providing the first genetic test for the role of the aging of the steroid and therefore stands out as a marker of biological aging.
We know that the concentration of the steroid dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), decreases rapidly with age - has decreased by 95% of the age of 85. This has led to speculation that a relative deficiency of DHEAS may contribute to common diseases related to age or decreased longevity.
To explore the mechanisms behind levels decreased steroid, researchers conducted an analysis of the genetic variants of 14,846 of the 2.5 million people in Europe and the United States and DHEAS levels. We found eight common gene that control the concentration of the blood of DHEAS, and the important thing is that some of these genes are associated with ageing, such as type 2 diabetes-related diseases and lymphoma are common.
Lead author, Dr. Guangju Zhai to the Kings of London College, said: "it is the first large-scale study to unlock the mystery still surrounding DHEAS.". We have identified specific genes that control their concentration and the levels shows that some of them are also involved in the aging process and of diseases.
"The results provide the basis for studies to study possible mechanisms of exactly how the DHEAS participates in aging." The next important thing is to try to answer question of whether they can actually delay the process of aging and prevent age-related diseases suffered in levels high DHEAS. »
"Professor Tim Spector, principal co-author of the King's college, said: "this study shows the power of collaborative genetic research to discover the mechanisms of the functioning of the body." For 50 years, we have witnessed the circulating steroids more abundant in the body, DHEAS, with no indication on its role. Now their genes showed its importance in many parts of the aging process.
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