A diet high in saturated fats is essential for diabetes type 2, which is a major health threat in the world. There are several decades where scientists noticed that people with diabetes type 2 were too active to immune responses, leaving their bodies full of inflammatory chemicals.
In addition, persons who acquire the disease typically are obese and are resistant to insulin, the hormone that removes the sugar in the blood and stored energy.
For years, no one knows exactly how they relate to the three characteristics. But a handful of studies suggest that they are inextricably linked.
New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine adds clarity to the connection. The study published online April 10 in the journal Nature Immunology is acid fatty saturated, but not unsaturated type can activate immune cells to produce an inflammatory protein called interleukin-1Programas.
"The path of the cell that the average fatty acid metabolism is also causing the production of interleukin-1Programas," said study senior co-author Jenny y. Ting, Ph.d., William Rand Kenan Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
The interleukin-1Programas is then in tissues and organs such as liver, muscle and fat (adipose tissue) to disable its response to insulin, making them resistant to insulin. "As a result, the activation of this pathway by fatty acids can cause resistance to insulin and diabetes type 2 symptoms." Ting is also a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Institute of inflammatory diseases of UNC.
Other authors of the report, in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology are researcher — postdoctoral researcher and first author Haitao Wen, gray Denis, Lei Yu, Shushmita Jha; Zhang Lu, Huang Tze - have Max and Willie Brickey of June.
The research was funded in part by the national institutes of health and the American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic.
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