"It is a major study," said Xiao-Chuan Liu, Ph.d., who presented the results. "It is the first study to establish a strong link between the complications of diabetes and nicotine." "If you are a smoker and you have diabetes, you need to worry about it and do everything possible to stop smoking.
26 Million people in the United States and 260 million more in the world have diabetes. Complications - including heart attack, stroke, injury failure and nerve renal - is why diabetes is the sixth cause of death in the United States, and the leader in the third case in certain minority groups, according to the national institutes of health. Processing of the catch of complications 1 $10 dollars is spent each year on health.
Liu cited previous research showing that good blood glucose control are the key to prevent complications. The gold standard for the levels of sugar in the blood of long-term monitoring in patients of diabetes is the test of A1c (HbA1c) of the haemoglobin of the blood. Used in conjunction with daily monitoring of sugar in the blood, A1C test shows the average quantity of sugar in the blood in recent weeks. The high test results mean that your diabetes is not well controlled, and there is an increased risk of complications.
Doctors have known for years that smoking increases the risk of developing complications. Also, studies show that smokers suffering from diabetes have higher levels of HbA1c that nonsmokers with diabetes. However, no one knew the exact substance in the person responsible for the elevation of A1C smoke. Liu and his colleagues suspect may be the nicotine and set out to test the effects of nicotine on A1C. Using samples of human blood, they showed that the nicotine concentrations similar to those found in the blood of smokers in fact, has increased the level of A1C.
"Nicotine caused rise of 34% of A1C", said Liu, who is in the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California "nobody knew this before." "Levels of higher nicotine, A1C occurs more."
Doctors could use the data from this study as a new base to encourage patients to quit smoking, said Liu. What happens with other products, electronic cigarettes and patches to nicotine to quit smoking? Liu pointed out that people tend to use these products for a short period only and may be greater than the benefits to permanently leave any risk of temporary elevations in A1C. However, the study may raise concerns through the use of these products in the long term, he added.
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