New Type 1 - Neuropathy, recent injury, family lives far away, at my wits end


This is more of a rant with a question at the end. Thanks in advance.

26 year old male. I was diagnosed with type 1 late February with an a1c of 15.8. The reason I saw my doctor in the first place was because my feet had felt tingly/burny for a couple weeks. Retrospectively, I had noticed symptoms for more than 2, less than 3, years. I've been on MDI and have been doing pretty well. I haven't had another a1c yet, but my 30 day average reading (across morning, pre-meal, 1 and 2 hr post-meal, before a lantus injection, and bedtime, I test at least ten times a day) is 150.

The neuropathy started to improve (I thought) but it also felt more painful. Burning, radiating pain was replaced by more precise, stabbing pain. Then, the stabbing pain has kind of gone away, and I have more of a dull ache in my feet, like I walked 30 miles barefoot all the time. I still get some stabbing pain in my feet and ankles. At night it's primarily a burning pain. I take 600mg of gabapentin at night, up from 300, and this seems to help. I rub lidocaine on my feet during the day. Sometimes it helps, usually it doesnt.

Then I got in a car accident in april. My balls, my back, and my lower abdomen have been totally f-ed up. My thighs are tingly now, too. Between the neuropathy and my injuries, I haven't slept through the night in like 2 months. I was also effectively bedridden for a month, laying on a heating pad watching Netflix and vaping lots of pot for the pain. I got pretty depressed. I dont have any family near me. My dad and my middle school age brothers came up last weekend for a basketball tournament they had. We watched their games, crashed in a hotel, it was great. After they left I just broke down and started crying. I felt so fucking alone.

Every doctor I talked to said they expect the neuropathy to reverse, but I have no idea what a reasonable timetable for this would be, and I'm scared I'm going to be stuck with this forever. Because I didn't have the presence of mind to get checked for diabetes earlier. Like I fucked myself up this bad in 3 years? Really? While not constant, I feel the neuropathy during the day, and almost all the time at night. I really really hope it improves or reverses itself. I've been taking Alpha lipoic acid, gamma linoleic acid, and vitamin c - the dpn cocktail - in addition to the gabapentin. Anyone catch their neuropathy early enough and have success? Am I too far gone?