Scary night, last night....

My girlfriend, rarely takes NPH... yesterday she took NPH at 5pm. Well, around 9pm she was going to eat soup and drink some Powerade (she's sick, it's all she can eat). We dosed her for all the carbs and her blood sugar level (13 units of Humalog). Well, before she ate, she vomited and didn't want to eat anymore. Now, here she is having active Humalog and NPH, that we forgot about, right before bed. I felt like she was going to get low simply because she didn't eat anything, so I set the Powerade on her nightstand just in case. Well around 1 AM, I wake up to go to the bathroom and she's not in the bed... powerade is all gone, I thought maybe she might be in the kitchen. Well, not even 5 feet out from the bedroom door, she is laying face down with vomit everywhere. I thought maybe this might just be her stomach bug, but I double checked and took her blood sugar… 21mg/dL… I started freaking out, this is the lowest I have ever seen it, I didn't know what to do. Then, I remembered I had a glucagon pen in my nightstand drawer. A few minutes goes by and she wakes up, but she was so confused, she had no clue who I was. I asked her to eat some peanut butter with graham crackers. Now, here I sit, scared still and she has no recollection of last night. I don't know if I want to tell her, did I save her life?