Pump Users input needed!

Hey guys. As posted a couple weeks ago, I'm a newer member of our fun little club. This sub has been awesome, so thanks for existing and helping out whenever I have a question.

I'm seeing my nurse for the first time this week, my doc again in 2-ish weeks, and my dietician in a month. Now my grandma has been super sweet since my diagnosis, and recently visited me (a cross-country trip). Turns out my great-grandmother was also a T1, and she feels bad that I got it and no one else. As such, she has made the generous offer to cover the cost of a pump if it isn't covered by my insurance (which it might be, my insurance isn't bad). But I seem to be having trouble finding reviews: is the Dexcom the greatest thing tech has to offer right now? Are there multiple varieties with different functions for different lifestyles? Should I just ask my doctor this sort of stuff and leave this sub alone?

Basically I'm looking for input on which pumps you all prefer (as it seems that those of you with pumps prefer it over the alternative!) and why so I can determine the best for me. Thanks!