Trying to learn how to bake diabetic friendly treats.

Hello all,

I am a baker/ retail person and for years now I've had the occasional person come up to me and express exasperation or disappointment in the lack of diabetic friendly sweets available in stores. There are loads of things for those with gluten or lactose intolerance, but little in the way of low sugar/low carb sweets.

I have been trying to learn what I can about blood sugar levels, the glycemic index of different sugars, the usage of xylitol or stevia, etc., but I'm not diabetic so I don't know exactly what I should be looking for or trying to accomplish with my baking.

So here's my question for you: What would you look for if you were to buy a dessert or treat? How many carbs/sugars per serving or per 100g? Does it matter if the product uses sugar or something with a lower glycemic index like honey or agave nectar? How do you feel about plant based sweeteners like xylitol?

If there's anything you think I ought to know about baking for those with diabetes, please let me know. I want to learn and hopefully make something delicious and safe to eat.

