Newly diagnosed - looking for advice

Hi All,

I've been to the doctors this morning for something unrelated and been told I had an abnormal blood sugar level (12?) after a routine blood screening last week. I had ate about 2 hours before the bloods were done however I know this is still higher.

I'm extremely anxious about the future - the GP didn't seem overly concerned and recommended that by making diet/exercise changes I will probably go down to normal blood sugar levels. However:

As I have been diagnosed as diabetic will I always be classed as diabetic even if I change my lifestyle and reduce my sugar levels? Will I eventually reach a point where I am dependent on insulin?

Will I have to test my sugar levels everyday? The GP said I won't need to use insulin/medication right now but I'm concerned that after a few years this will change.

Apologies if this is rambling but as you can probably tell I've got 1000 questions in my head - hopefully my diabetic review with the nurse next week will help!