Day 6 of a Low Carb, High Fat Diet, and Feeling Great

I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and am in a very robust honeymoon stage, so I don't have a good baseline to compare to. But for what it's worth, here are my blood sugar readings since I switched to a low carb (<25g) diet. (No CGM yet)

88, 93, 68, 106, 95, 108, 122, 95, 80, 107, 105, 94, 94, 95, 102, 98, 95, 83, 94, 79, 109, 100, 97, 88, 92, 86, 90, 93, 116, 109, 80, 90, 89, 120, 82, 87, 92

I haven't taken a single unit of fast-acting in that time. There have been a few meals where my carb intake was probably as high as ~6, which accounts for some of the jumps over 100. I haven't gone full Bernstein but I could imagine in the future taking half-units of Humalog to smooth it out even more.

I'm stoked. That's an average of 95 with a standard deviation of 11. Essentially "normal" according to this talk by Dr. Keith Runyan

And when it comes to balancing the inconvenience of eating a strange diet with the inconvenience of requiring a scale, calculator, computer and syringe before every meal, for me, there's no comparison. This lets me feel like a normal person again.