So I've been using the omnipod for about 8 years now and this is the first time I've ever ran in to this issue.
My PDM batteries died overnight last night, which usually isn't a problem because I always have spares and can just pop new ones right back in. But I had no idea they were dead until I woke up this morning. So when I put the new batteries in, the damn thing made me deactivate the pod that I just activated like 12 hours prior. The absolute stupidest feature I've ever witnessed. I can't afford to just throw these things away, plus there was probably about 150+ units of insulin left in the reservoir still. I know Insulet will likely send a new pod if I call, but nothing can really be done about the insulin, and that is a lot of insulin. I've tried sucking the insulin out of the reservoir in the past but it usually only amounts to like 30 units for some reason and I've actually had it clog the syringe before rendering it unusable.
So basically my question is, does anyone ACTUALLY know how to get un-used insulin out of a pod?
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