A few years ago during my senior year of high school, my dog was diagnosed with T2D. It was a crushing realization that he was getting older and would pass soon, but one my family immediately accepted and reacted to. Less than a week after his diagnosis, I, myself, was diagnosed as T1D. It was stressful and confusing for all involved, but I always had my Diabetic buddy there to help me through it. I learned how to give myself shots while my family learned how to give them to him. Everyone congratulated me on how well I managed it (A1C at diagnosis was 13.7, three months later was 6.9), but I know I wouldn't have done nearly as well if I was on my own. He was a good boy and I'll never forget him. RIP Max.
TL:DR: I was diagnosed less than a week after my dog was, and we managed the disease together.
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