Hey y'all, I've never posted here before, but I've been T1 since I was 10. I'm 24 now. I haven't been to see an endo since I was 21 because I haven't been able to afford it.
I finally got insurance recently, so I've got an upcoming appointment with a new PCP. He'll have to refer me to the only endo in my city (I've moved across the state since the last time I went to the endo). I'm pretty sure the wait for an appointment with the endo is going to be at least 2-3 months.
I've been on a terrible regimen due to my lack of insurance. I don't test my BS nearly often enough, and have to use Novolin R OTC from Walmart since I don't have an insulin prescription. My care has been horrible and out of control. I'm sure my A1c is really bad. But I'm eager to finally try to get back on track now that I have insurance.
I have started following a better diet, and I'm moderately physically active. I don't own a car, so I ride by bike a lot.
So, here's one of my questions - is there any chance my new PCP will prescribe a better insulin for me? Is that something PCPs are ever comfortable doing? I used to take Novolog and my control was so much better. However, I understand that there's a possibility that he may be uncomfortable with this since it could be a liability.
I also want to see if he will prescribe a Freestyle Libre for me. I feel like I'd be much better at regularly monitoring my BS if I don't have to worry about getting strips constantly. Has anyone ever gotten a prescription for this from a PCP?
I just really want to start getting my health back on track, but don't want to have to wait the several months it'll take to see an endo.
Thanks in advance for any guidance you have to offer!
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