I'm looking for an app for a kindle fire.

I am not diabetic, but my parents are. Since my father has had a series of strokes, he cannot manage his own care, he has to be monitored to make sure his shots are done right. They are both in their 80's and a little set in their ways.

Currently my mother keeps a notebook where she writes down the time, his blood sugar, what he is eating and the number of carbs in it. Then she uses a formula with correction factors supplied by the Joselin Center to determine how many units he should take.

This is not the best system to keep track of everything and chart progress and if something happens with her, I have to be able to take over for her. None of the apps I have seen has allowed you to input all those days points, and she won't use any that don't.

Does anybody know of any apps like that? Thanks so much in advance.