Ok hi, I was diagnosed with type one three months ago, TWO DAYS BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED. I was in the hospital about 3 or 4 days into the school year, and until I started getting used to everything I wasn't allowed to go to school (my doctor's are very sweet and wanted to make sure I was comfortable).
About two weeks into the school year I was able to start, I was so left behind. My teachers were supper supportive, but I just couldn't keep up (btw I'm 7th grd) I was constantly in the nurse's office along with another newly diagnosed 6th grader. I was still new to it so of course I couldn't control my blood sugar that well.
I talked to my parents and told them about this, I had only been in school for about ten weeks by then, they talked to my guidance counselor who was super supportive, and I started my school's Cyber Academy. I'm loving it, but ever since I started almost two months ago I was still catching up, I was failing at first, but as it got easier, and I got used to t1d, today I'm in a super good mood bc I just got a 90% and a 98% on math & science tests!
Btw I'm sorry this is so badly written, it was pretty rushed
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