First checkup after diagnosis: Got my A1c from 14.1 to 5.4!

Hey /r/diabetes, I need to boast a bit, because I honestly never expected to get such a low HbA1C result! Some backstory:

In August I got diagnosed with type 1, after a few weeks of feeling weak, sleepy, thirsty and having to go to toilet every half an hour. Well, it wasn't really a big surprise, I've read about the symptoms before going to the doctor and they just fit too well. My doctor sent me to the hospital after getting back the results, and there they found my BG to be 27.6 mmol/l (around 500 mg/dl) and an HbA1C of 14.1%. They nurses were quite surprised I was still feeling as well as I did ...

Well, today I had my first checkup after around 4 months. My Libre predicted an HbA1C of 6.2%, and my long-term goal was to reach around 6%, so I was really surprised when the doctor measured 5.4%. Yay.

Of course, my control isn't perfect, I still have slight hypos a bit too often (fortunately, more intense hypos are quite rare, I usually notice hypos quite early and can take countermeasures). But at least now I know that I have enough room to improve this.