Free test strips

Why Are You Giving These Away?

I'm doing the year-end cleaning, and realized that the huge stockpile of test strips I have is not helping anyone, and I'm never going to get to them.

So I'm going a huge chunk of them away. First come, first serve.

These are OneTouch Ultra Blue, each box contains 2 50-strip vials (or, 100 strips per box). By my count, there's about 50 boxes -- you do the math.

Here's a picture:

The catch (there's always something)

A large majority of these expired mid-2017. In my, personal experience, they still get accurate readings. They have been stored in a cool, dry place (my bookshelf). A smaller chunk expire at the end of this month (December 2018).

Other Questions

Why don't I just donate them to one of those supply donation places?

They need strips that are at least 3 months away from expiring, I checked. Same goes for the local clinics, etc.

How can I get them?

I'm local to Vancouver, Washington. Please be local.

I'm not local, but I really need test strips

I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable shipping them, or doing the standard PayPal scam bit. If you absolutely need test strips, your local Wal-Mart and Target both have extremely low-cost testing supplies under the ReliOn and Up&Up brands, respectively.

Are they really free?

Really. I want absolutely nothing in exchange.

I'll be cross-posting this to my local community subreddits as well.