Recently I’ve considered trying the new Dexcom CGM, after a coworker showed me how theirs works. Yesterday I called them and had my order shipped! I am super excited to try this new system, and I like that the CGM is syncable to smart phones. This allows me the opportunity to glance at my sugars easier. I work in the public safety field, so if I’m about to check out with a person or vehicle, or attending to a stressful call for service, I have no doubts what my blood sugar looks like.
What’s incredible, is for the last 15 years, doing the math I have performed 21,900 finger sticks! Going from four to six finger sticks per day to none for a typical day is AMAZING! I am so excited! Finally I can stop my finger pains from all the lancets!
According to USPS tracking, my Dexcom should arrive on December 24th by 8 pm. We shall see if that is correct, and if so, merry Christmas to me!
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