
Hey, this may be better suited to /r/legaladvice Last evening my 17 year old son called me from from our house phone panicked. The public school he attends took his phone away. They claim he was using it to much. However this is not the case. He uses it to check his blood sugars before and sometimes during classes. The schools policy is the first time they take it away overnight. The second time is for the week. Last year the did this as well but it was not a problem because I went and picked his phone up after work. The problem is... My wife and I are out of town on business. I flew out yesterday to Frankfurt (Engineer) and my wife is in California (Biomedical Technologies). We wont be home until late Thursday/Friday. I had my wife call because I am out of the country and they told her, “A parent or guardian most be present to receive confiscated devices” They refuse to give him his phone. How is this legal. They have on file he has T1 diabetes. He told me the nurse let him use a glucose monitor in the office. My son drove to the drug store and got a finger pricker. He says he is “Fine”, but I am not very happy. I know how much he dislikes using those. Has anyone else had a situation like this? I cant believe this happened when we are both out of town.

Sorry for formatting. On mobile.