I'm a Type 1. Was diagnosed in 2010 at age 21. My blood sugar levels go in these really annoying cycles. I'll have weeks or even months where my sugars will be very manageable. I'm able to get my BG to a range I feel good about and I don't seem to require as much insulin. My morning sugars will be 140-160 (Not perfect, but pretty good for me). With that as a starting point it's a lot easier to control throughout the day. Even when I eat my blood sugars won't spike too much and I don't need to to take much insulin in order to get them to a decent level. Then that will give way to weeks and months of frustrating uncooperative blood sugars where seemingly nothing makes them get to acceptable levels. I wake up with 220-250 level blood sugars despite low numbers the night before. Throughout the day I pretty much have to bludgeon myself with insulin to get them to get anywhere near a reasonable number I find myself taking 3-5 my normal dose of insulin to little effect. My blood sugars spike a massive amount over a moderate amount of carbohydrates getting up into the 300's. It's insanely frustrating. I'm not doing anything different, so I don't understand why I keep going through these cycles. My doctor put me on some new insulin and oral meds recently and I thought that had finally fixed the problem, but lately I've been having high sugars again. Any ideas why this keeps happening?
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