Newly diagnosed type 1

Hi I have recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 17.

I only have one question as of now. Sleep. My parent keep saying that I now need to start going to bed early and to get into a routine but I find it had to go to sleep early when I'm not at college and whatnot. I like to stay up late on my days off or when I'm not doing much until later in the day. Im talking staying up until 3am or 4am and waking around 11 or 12. I have to take 4 doses of insulin a day 3, 7 units of NovaRapid and 26 of Lantus before bed. With the sleep that means I miss my breakfast and my first dose of insulin. Could I possibly get up and take my insulin and have breakfast then go back to sleep? My dietitian has given me a range of glucose levels for the time being which is between 6 and 14. So far after leaving the hospital I have been keeping it below 14 highest being 13.