I work in a warehouse with about 40 employees. We each have a cubby for our personal belongings. I keep a box of nutty bars to help treat low sugars. I had a hunch someone was taking them so i started to track how many I had. I had 5 remaining on Wednesday ( left for Thanksgiving ) and when I checked today they were all gone. It just sucks that someone is stealing from me but more so that it is something I need to stay alive. Luckily I didn’t need them today but it scared me if I did. I left the empty box in my cubby with a message saying “STOP STEALING “ with a post it explaining why I have and need those. Hopefully it shames who ever is doing it. I Just wanted to vent to people who understand the feeling of being low and know the fear of not having something handy to raise their sugar. This community is great.
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