Tears of joy

Wanted to share the news with everyone, including y’all who really understand.

I’ve been trying to switch over to a pump from MDIs for about a year now. My insurance only covers Medtronic(brand deal) and Omnipod. I was convinced omnipod was right for me, before I started reading about how people didn’t like the new dash system and how it fell off easily and stuff. I went back to square one.

A few months later, I got switched over from the libre to the dexcom and fell in love with it. Such an awesome device. Love having notifications and seeing my blood sugar on my Apple Watch or having Siri tell me in the car. That’s when I found out about the Tandem Tslim. How it works with the dexcom and all it’s crazy awesome features it has and more coming. But.. that was short lived when I found out my insurance refused to cover it.

That’s when I gave up trying to get a pump.

Until recently, during my endo check up where my doctor seen first hand my improvement on my A1C due to the dexcom. She wanted me to get the Tslim. She provided me the right numbers to call and told me she’ll be ready to send paper work whenever to wherever.

Insurance first declined it (seen it coming), so we filed a claim and dug into my benefits even more. They got back that they would do out of network coverage, and it would be 3000$-5000$ for it. But today.. I got the best news ever.

We found better benefits embedded into my actual insurance, which covers 90% of the pumps price. I barley will pay anything for it. Supplies covered as well.

I’m so excited. I can’t even put everything into words. It’s one small step, but a good step into a long and healthy life :)