Anyone experience hypoglycemia before being diabetic?

Just wondering if anyone else had bad hypos before they were diabetic. And is your basal insulin proportionally lower than your bolus insulin (less than 50% of your total daily dose)?

Obviously people get “hangry”. But I’ve had some of my worst hypos before I even was diabetic or knew what hypoglycemia was. Based on how bad the symptoms were I think my blood sugar must’ve gone down to the 40s sometimes. This happened while fasting for too long, or if I had a sugary drink on an empty stomach.

Also, I think I sometimes went low when I would first start running. During the first 15 minutes of every run it took every fiber of my being to not give up from exhaustion. I would also literally become “enraged” over such stupid things I had no business even thinking about. I would literally become angry over things that happened years ago (sometimes over things in my childhood). I’m by no means an angry person and I’m fully aware of how ridiculous and immature it is to get angry over such things (and I even realized how stupid it while in the moment), but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t brush off the anger. In hindsight I’m wondering if this was also blood sugar?

I tend to get irritated when I’m low, so I’m thinking I was going low while running?

Edit: when I say I went low before being diabetic (from fasting/sugary drinks), I really mean low. Body shaking to the point I felt like it was vibrating. Legs so weak I had to sit down because it felt like I would collapse. Pouring sweat. Agitation, anxiety, and couldn’t even hold a conversation other than giving one word answers, dizzy. And I also had that primal instinct that I had to eat, and I would kinda just eat anything in sight without taking the time to prepare a meal.