I was diagnosed with type 2 at the age of 30, about 10 years ago. I’ve pretty much been able to control it with my diet until the last 6 months when my sugars have been high - 275-350 fasting - for no conceivable reason. I saw my endrocrinologist, my A1C was 11. She started me on ozempic for 3 months with a plan to have repeat labs and see her again. I see her next week but just got my lab results - A1C is up to 11.3. In the last three months I have eaten perfectly and lost 15 pounds. I literally have done everything a diabetic should do. I can’t figure out why things are going the wrong way. I have 4 other autoimmune diseases so some research led me to LADA. I’m wondering if I was misdiagnosed and this is what I actually have.
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