+ corona. Home from ICU. Blood sugars won't go down!

I spent the last week in intensive care for coronavirus and discovered I was in DKA. They told me on top of the Corona I am now a type 1 diabetic. They helped me manage my breathing and my blood sugars and I was well enough to come home a couple of days ago. I'm still sick I know, but my blood sugars are INSANELY high. Over 400 tonight. I am not eating crazy amounts of carbs at all and am giving my insulin according to the sliding scale (I'm a nurse and have been trouble shooting everything). I absolutely do not want to go back to the hospital so I am looking for advice. The endocrinologist they refered me to is in my PCPs office that is CLOSED at this time due to the pandemic. I'm scared I'm going to get sick again and am desperate for advice. I'm at a loss. Hopefully this is the right place to post.