This a bit of a read, I just want to share some of my experience and the thoughts that went through my mind during this time.

I'm 22 yo and due to severe obesity and sedentary lifestyle, I was diagnosed with Type 2 on Dec 2019. My A1c percentage was 11.9 with a estimated average glucose of 295 mg. I was given insulin and prescribed Metformin and Lisinopril.

Since then with the support of my family, I have started eating smaller portions and healthier foods, watching my carbs and exercising more. I took my insulin and meds as instructed, continued to monitor and go in every 2 weeks for my check ups to report my progress. In the first month, My blood sugars lowered to safe levels, my healthcare provider took me off the insulin to see how my body reacted. I happy to say I haven't needed it since then. I went to 1on1 diabetes education & Dietitian sessions and got my eyes checked. Last week, I went in for my diabetic check up and A1c test. I got it down to 5.7% with an average 117 mg.

I'm happy I was able to lower it down so much, but I understand that this is only the beginning for me and it will only get harder. Getting diagnosed was a hard blow to take, but it wasn't a surprising one. I guess a part of me hoped that I would get one more chance. I'm constantly reminded that I am different now, but the result of my latest A1c test give me hope that I can live with this and become better than who I was before.

After reading the mega thread about "It's okay to not be okay", I recently found myself going through posts of people's experience. I been having a hard time with being positive. Both for not wanting to upset the people that have been supporting me, but also from the fact that I put myself in this situation. I found solace in knowing I'm not alone and people that genuinely understand how it is gives me a sense of comfort that I didn't know I needed.

Thank you for taking your time reading this, Have a great day and I hope you stay safe now and forever.