What is the proper response to a high/low?

So when I go low is usually when I cheat my diet. I'll eat a Swiss Roll or maybe a Fudge Round but I've always noticed I feel super crumby after eating one of those. I usually don't eat just one either, resulting in this period of guilt and lethargy after treating a low blood sugar. A lot of the time I get the symptoms of a low in the mid-nineties which puts me in a bad spot since that's much to high to deserve treatment but I still feel crappy.

On the flip side my diabetic educator (who quit without telling me) told me that when I'm eating a meal and my sugar is high I only take the insulin for my ratio, meaning I don't correct. If I'm at 240 and my meal calls for 8 units then I take the 8 units but leave the 240 untreated, which often leads to me jumping up to 300+ several days in a row. What do I do when A) my ratio seems a little bit ineffective and B) I keep doing this?

Sorry to trouble you guys. I had a very bad series of doctors who gave me a bunch of faulty information so I would keep coming in for appointments and they would make more money. This is why I'm three years a diabetic and I know almost nothing. On that subject is there any place I can get more education regarding this stuff?