I can't seem to get my BSLs down.

I became a diabetic when I was 22, now 29, and was doing fine until a year later when I injured myself badly. I checked my sugars and the reading came back at 26 so I went down to the doctors, there my reading was 31 and so I went to hospital. My BSL went up to 36 and my SILs mum, who was my nurse, was shocked I wasn't in a coma. I ended up on injections but after 6 months managed to get off of all my medications.

I was medication free for 4 years until I got sick 2 years ago. After that I have been unable to get my sugars down to normal range (4-6). I have been on 3 different types of injections, at least 6 different pills, saw a diation, did a food diary and still no one can figure out why my sugars won't decrease to below 11.

Has anyone else experienced this?