What were your first Cvoid symptoms? And any advice for someone who MAY have a roommate showing signs?

T1D, 21 F in college.

My roommates bf who is always over has been showing signs. He started coughing yesterday and felt bad. I keep my distance from them regardless due to my fear of everything. I wash my hands, wear face mask (actual ones, not just fabric cloth), and don’t touch my face. My bedroom door is always shut and i make sure to wash my hands after using common areas.

I have no fever as of now, a running nose (but in my town it’s storming like CRAZY and that’s normal for me,) and recently I’ve had diarrhea (this is a sign of cvoid, only reason I’m putting this in here lol) but also skipped a day of birth control and it’s gotten better each day. I’m not tired, not exhausted and my blood sugar levels have been expectedly stable. This has been the past few days.

Not tightness of chest, no sneezing, no coughing, none of that.

Am i showing anyone else has hD to later get a positive? I want to be okay and need to know if i should freak out or I’m fine bc I’m being safe. All my “symptoms” have normal explanations and I’ve been way more than safe, but just in case i want to know. If i need to get tested. I have anxiety so I’m freaking out and the idea of being tested just to be sure makes me full out panic