(First off, sorry if I'm misspelling the medicine)
My doctor has had me on Tresiba for over a year and Trulicity for 6 months... It's not helping. I took my blood sugar, it was 340... I had grapes for breakfast, then 2 pieces of pizza for lunch. (Not a great lunch, I know)
I took my 80 injection of Tresiba and cleaned the house for two hours, not eating or drinking anything aside from water in that 2 hours... Tested again, my sugars were 320. It only went down 20 points after 2 hours and my injection.
My doctor was actually terminated, and so I'm going to someone new in the same facility... But they just want to keep me on the same medicine, saying it may eventually work...
Could anyone recommend a new medication that I could suggest to my new doctor?
What would you do? (This facility is the only one near me taking Medicaid, I can't go elsewhere)
I became diabetic due to my eating disorder. When I was young, my father failed to keep food in the home. Drugs and alcohol were aplenty, but not food.... I used to cry myself asleep, as I'd go days without eating. I was underweight. When we did eat, it was bologna and hot dogs. I remember going outside and eating pebbles, lemon grass and clover flowers during the summer when school lunches were gone. I ate bird seed from the neighbor's feeders and picked some unknown berries that fell from under a tree a couple miles from home. I shoplifted often.
When I was 13 Mom gained custody-- FOOD GALORE. I started eating like I had to make up for the childhood in which I was ALWAYS without. I'd get up at 3am and eat multiple packs of ramen, even when we had a good dinner. She tried to make up for the years we were hungry too, giving us anything we wanted and then some. She bought so much junk food.
I've settled down a lot thanks to years of therapy, but it was too late. In 2 years I quickly went from being slightly pre-diabetic to having seemingly uncontrollable diabetes. I'm 27. I don't eat any sweets or drink anything containing sugar. Despite my efforts, i cannot lose weight.
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