I was consistently told by doctors that I would not be able to get a pump or CGM covered under medicaid. I just got a new doctor a couple months ago and was able to get a pump and CGM after some paperwork though.
Specifically regarding CGMs, I found this article with two documents in it.
Criteria for type 1 diabetics CGM coverage: https://diatribe.org/sites/default/files/criteria%20type%201-converted.pdf
Criteria for type 2 diabetics CGM coverage: https://diatribe.org/sites/default/files/criteria%20type%202-converted.pdf
Note: the article and documents are a year old, so some of it may be out of date, but it's a good starting place to see if you're actually eligible for a CGM or not.
And some of the criteria are things that you can kind of fake. For instance, my state requires I have a caregiver or someone I live with who can respond to CGM alerts, but I live alone and don't share my blood sugar with anyone. I just lied haha, same things with checking blood sugar. If you don't check blood sugar 4x a day but your state requires it, just start checking 4x a day for a month.
If the document says that you can get CGM coverage then please start annoying your medicaid insurance and doctor about it
Edit: And if it says that it won't cover CGMs, make sure you double check as much as possible. Again, this is a year old, lots of things can happen in a year. California, according to the document, didn't cover CGMs for adults on medicaid at that time. But this recently passed: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB848 so they will be covered now
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