meeting other t1d??

just a sorta random question, also for t2d but i say t1d just because thats what i am -

do yall get weirdly excited when meeting other diabetics??

im a twin and shes a t1d as well, so ive just about always known someone else with it (she was diagnosed a few years after me). but whenever i meet someone irl or online who is also td1, i get weirdly exicted. like a lil lightbulb goes off like "omg cool!! someone else gets it, too". i sometimes feel very lame about it lmao diabetes is a hard thing to feel excited about.

i recently started chatting w someone a bit on twitter who is also t1d - and a lot of other things about us overlap. its been super cool to chat with someone one many different levels about diabetes!! even more cool its not my twin haha.

i dont know many other t1d irl, so i was wondering if yall get excited too.