I was shocked when I was diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic. Wife and I went through our cupboards and fridge that same day and threw out a lot of crap. Since then watching my carbs just keeping daily count under 150 and meals less than 30.
I meant to start going back to the gym 3 days a week but never really happened. I also stopped drinking a beer a day (almost) and have wine instead. (Goes great with my vape lol)
I never went on meds since I wanted to see what I could do by diet alone first. I've lost 20 pounds and now weigh 165. Am I still considered a diabetic though? I know I am predisposed to it because of family history but the doctor wants to keep seeing me I don't understand why. I would prefer to just do bloodwork twice a year. I wish I could test this myself somehow.
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