Thank you all!

I am a recently diagnosed T2. 3 months ago I went to see my GP for lethargy, frequent urination, and extreme thirst. My fasting glucose test (my first ever) was 493. My a1c came back three days later at 11.9 with triglycerides at 890. I was told if things didn't change, I might not live long enough to see my 17 year old graduate next year.

I was scared and overwhelmed by the amount of information to process. That's when i found this subreddit. I'm mainly a lurker but I found tons of great info and advice here.

I'm happy to say I just got back from getting my 3 month check up and things are much better. My a1c is 7.5 and triglycerides are 180. My ball busting Dr even habe me a high five.

Anyway, i just wanted to say thanks to you guys and gals for being awesome and welcoming.