When I thought I had made every mistake...

This morning I had to change my pump site because I was running low on insulin. I usually change it in the evening but I had about 20 extra units in there that I didn't want to throw away so I decided to change it before work instead.

Now I'm definitely not a morning person. I usually keep my office door closed until that first cup of coffee kicks in. I'm out of it and groggy for a while when I first get up.

So when I changed the pump site this morning everything went fine and I finished it and pressed the button to inject the 0.3 u to fill the canula and went about packing my lunch. When I finished putting the sandwich in the bag I realized my pump was vibrating and it hit me in 1 second what I had done. Instead of pressing "done" or whatever after filling the whole line with insulin, i had just popped it in and pressed "continue filling". It was just pumping insulin in constantly as I made my sandwich.

Luckily only about 8 units of insulin got in but that's a ton for me. I generally follow a low carb diet and the max I do for a meal is around 3 units. And to make it worse, I never eat breakfast so I don't really know if my carb ratios are that accurate in the morning. I immediately drank two juice boxes, ate two granola bars, and ate 4 glucose tablets for a grand total of 110 carbs. Over the next couple of hours I rose to about 280 and stayed in the mid 200s. I was too scared to put any more insulin in until I knew that morning dose had died down.

So that was a fun morning. I stayed home from work for a couple hours to make sure nothing crazy was going to happen there but overall I think that wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been! Thanks diabetes /s