This is pretty long and possibly not that interesting but you fine folks are among the few who can sympathize.
Yesterday I went on an unexpected adventure. Late in the afternoon, a friend called and said "hey man. Drop everything, I have Iron Maiden tickets". So I dropped everything, put on a black t-shirt and met him for some pre drinks at a sketchy bar. \m/
For anyone familiar with Toronto, the show was at the amphitheatre (as all good metal shows are) but the Indy is on this weekend so exhibition place is blocked off and the walk from the GO station is much longer that normal. I think this is significant to what follows.
Went to the show. It was great. Had a number of over priced tallboys of beer.
After the show, we went for drunken snacks. Poutine. Bad idea at the best of times, probably a worse one when drunk.
When calculating that bolus, I knew A) I had been drinking quite a bit of beer. Typically that means that my BG is elevated but will come down on its own B) I had been on my feet a lot. My watch said about 10k steps between 7pm and 1am.
Somewhere in here I greatly miscalculated the bolus. I think it was under counting for the activity and the timing coincided with the post drinking BG decline.
End result, when I got home, xDrip said my BG was 8.5 with a low predicted in 30 min. Situations like that I usually set a temp 0% basal for an hour or so. I went to bed. I was tired.
10min later xDrip woke me up. 4.3 with double down arrows. Low predicted 1 min.
By the time I started pouring dex tabs down my throat I was at 3.0 and still dropping like a rock. Fortunately, due to disabling my basal a short time earlier they worked super fast.
Due to my tired, drunken state, I didn't feel the low at all. If not for the predictions and the insistent alarms I wouldn't have survived the night.
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