I've been type 1 for 22 years and right now I treat with MDI. I haven't had access to a regular endocrinologist or a good team for years due to where I was living. At my worst, I think my A1C was 10.7, but on my own, I was able to get it down to around 8 for the past 3 years and to 7.9 last year around this time. My husband and I made a big move so that I could access better care and now I have an amazing team with doc, nurse, dietician, and even a social worker to help me get in better control.
So now I'm trying to get below the elusive 7 threshold and I even though my Lantus has been reduced by almost 1/3rd to avoid night time lows, I'm now having multiple lows throughout the day and night. Not what I expected at all. It's hard to get out of bed many mornings (I experienced that a bit before, but I feel like its happening a lot more now).
I think the main reason is that I had been under-estimating carbs before and now that I'm being really meticulous about the accuracy of my carb counting, my insulin to carb ratios (for Humalog) probably need adjusting. Yesterday, I fell to 3.1 in the early afternoon and treated with 20 carbs and 30 minutes later I was only up to 3.6! Then I was 8.9 before bed with no active insulin and I woke up at 1:30 with a 2.1. I ate 60 carbs then, in part because of that crazy "I'm going to die" feeling and in part out of reasonably not wanting to die when I went back to sleep. Needless to say I woke up at 14.9.
Anyway, just wanted to vent. I sort of feel like "not doing so great" with an 8.0 A1C was actually okay for me. Way less ups and downs, which is really hard on my body. I'm sure things will improve once my ratios are changed (I'll be emailing my nurse tomorrow), but 4-5 lows per day is horrible!
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