Highly recommend any T1's here read "Sugar Surfing" by Dr. Steven Ponder.

Not sure if it's already well-known around these parts but this book is a great resource, especially if you have a CGM. It's an easy read, full of great diagrams and practical advice from a Type 1 endocrinologist on effective CGM use and strategies for BG management. $7 on Kindle. My endo recommended it to me and I've been really pleased with the results. Haven't gotten an A1c since reading the book but here's my Dexcom change: went from 56% in-range ("in-range": 70-180 mg/dL) with 168 mg/dL average BG the week prior to reading the book --> 76% in-range with 127 mg/dL average BG last week. So a pretty substantial improvement and I attribute it wholly to the book and the strategies it describes.

Edit: not just for CGM users