How do you deal with constant anxiety?

I showed an xDrip chart the other day that demonstrates that overall I'm having a pretty good BG control right now. And yet, whenever I see the BG rise after meals, a part in me gets anxious. I start looking at xDrip+ way too often, I even fire up Glimp and manually scan to see if I can detect any slowdown in the BG climb. If the BG approaches 140, I start to stress myself. It is like an obsession fueled by fear of hypers (even though 140, 150, even 160 can't really be called "hyper"). I guess the fear of complications are etched a little too deep in my mind.

But this is no way to live. I can't live with fear of what food might do to me. I can't keep obsessing over the Libre sensor readings and poke my fingers multiple times per meal to verify the readings. I can't get a mini heart attack every time the BG suddenly increases.

I want to adopt a disciplined yet relaxed attitude. Doing my pre-bolus, eating slowly, counting carbs etc. yes, but not living with constant fear that my BG might increase. I'm still in my honeymoon, and did not yet have the super high BGs that some people showed here after huge amounts of stress, infections, strong dawn phenomenon etc. I want to be able to see a relatively fast BG increase after a meal and think to myself "meh, I bolused correctly for this, let's see later if I need to correct".

The rational part in me realizes that the horror stories about complications imply poor BG control. Not doing any pre-bolus. Not counting carbs. Indulging into refined, simple carbs every day. Not exercising etc. And also it realizes that a lot of these stories come from a time without CGMs, without rapid acting insulin, without smartphone apps, HbA1c measurements, or even BG test strips. So I should actually be much more relaxed.

But I ain't. Just now I looked at xDrip. BG was at 119 after a meal, had decreased by 1 mg/dL. Now it increase to 120 again. And I get a little anxious. Will it now skyrocket? Will I get a hyper? Etc. Even though these numbers objectively are fine...

So, what would you do to get rid of this anxiety?