Hey, so next year I’ll be able to upgrade my Medtronic pump(720) to the 630G* (I live in Canada and new pumps take a while to come over) probably but I also wanna start looking at other options. I saw a post on here or the other t1_diabetes subreddit about someone trying out a new pump that’s quite colourful and would have like a short tube thing similar to the omni pod (wanna know what it’s called, tried finding the post but couldn’t). But I’ve also seen another pump called YPSO pump that’s touch screen but doesn’t seem to be in Canada or the US. I think the T-slim is coming... I could get the omni pod... no more animas.... so options are slim. Tho I love researching new pumps and new diabetes tech so any information is welcome.
I’m also using the libre and was wondering if anyone has heard any talk of compatibility with a pump or even a smartphone for Canada/the world.
Edit: wrong version of pump in Canada. 630 not 640
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