Insulin attack happened this morning :'(

Hey everybody. Type 1 diabetic here. So I'm spending the night at my SO's place last night and take my lantus and a little humalog since I had slightly high blood sugar. Fell asleep and came to with my SO asking me "what happened?". As I got more focused I realized I was really low and asked for sugar. Then the realization hit me fully: I had no memory of the last couple hours. I rarely get insulin attacks like this but it was their first time witnessing one and of course they didn't know what it was at the time (we're about a month into dating). Apparently when I first "woke up" all I could do is stare at them with no verbal responses. After an hour of that apparently I was able to speak again and among the crazy shit a super low diabetic can say when not in control, I happened to utter the words "I want to go home" and "we're done". Fifteen minutes later I came to and after drinking some Gatorade I asked them what happened and they told me, clearly very very upset over my words. I tried explaining what happened and that I had no cognitive function and that what I said literally means nothing, but they insisted on taking me home and wouldn't even look at me or talk to me. :'( how do get across to them that I don't wanna break up and educate them on what happened? Has this happened to anyone else? Help me, please :'(