Newly Diagnosed, when can I expect "normalization"?

Hey y'all. I (46M) was just diagnosed on Monday and had follow-up fasting blood work on Wednesday. A1C came in at 8.8

I immediately cleaned up my diet to very low carb (lazy-Keto maybe) which wasn't too hard for me since I didn't eat much bread, rice, pasta,etc to begin with and haven't had a soda for about 15 years. Started this on Tuesday. This is day 4 for me. I started 500mg Metformin ER last night.

My readings have been:

wake up/ 2hrs post lunch

Tues: 222/190

Wed: 248/178

Thur: 185/169 (started metformin in evening)

Fri: 175/143

So I'm a bit stressed about this whole thing, as it totally took me by surprise ( I am sure it has done for many others). I really have nothing to gauge good progress with and I feel like these numbers are way out of control... am I expecting them to drop too quickly? How long does it take to "normalize" below 120 or is that just not going to happen? I haven't been able to workout this week due to a nasty cold, but normally Crossfit 3-4x per week. When I get back to the gym, will the numbers start dropping faster?

Any advice on what I can expect will be appreciated.