Thank you

I want to thank this board. I got diagnosed type 2 on 12/11/2018. I was trying to make up with a friend/coworker after an argument and had him run a poc blood sugar on me. We work at a clinic. I was at a fasting of 327 at 1215pm. I cried. I went through my grief, denial, arguing, and bargaining in 15 minutes. I had a meeting to get to, so I had to shut my feelings off. Luckily, I worked in a wound/ dm center. I pulled my doctor aside before our meeting and she agreed to see me that same day. Turns out my venous a1c was 10.7.

I got fitted with a cgm, started metformin, glimepiride, and lantus - we were being aggressive. I got a meeting with our CDE/RD, and was on my way to Target for healthy food/snacks. I was lost. Confused. Sad. Angry. I needed support. I found you guys and gals. I learned a lot. I learned it was okay to be angry, okay to be upset, and that this was not my fault. I got tips, guidance, and understanding.

I never commented on much here, but I learned and absorbed. I have been sticking to what I was told to do, following the rules I was given. 2 weeks after my diagnosis, they took my off my lantus. At 4, they took me off my glimepiride. I am now just on metformin and already dealing with occasional lows. My poc a1c at my one month follow up was 8.7. My blood sugars have been averaging 99. I am so proud of myself not only for doing so well, but for getting the help I need

I’m not sure why I am posting this, but I am thankful and appreciative. I love each and every one of you. You are all amazing, beautiful people inside and out. Thank you for all you’ve done for me, and thank you for all you’ve done for everyone else, and all you’re going to do in the future. I’ve also lost 30 pounds total from my heaviest. It’s a long journey, forever, but i know I can do it.

Thank you all.