Remember to dose BEFORE you eat (if you need reminding)

I am 19 and have had type one diabetes for about a decade now. Recently I have gotten complacent and would forget to dose for my meals until after I had finished—by that time, my blood sugar would skyrocket, and I’d be fighting extreme ups and downs for the rest of the day, first by overcompensating with insulin (in an attempt to get my blood sugar down quicker) and extreme lows (when I would consume entire bottles of glucose tablets so I didn’t feel like death).

Recently I’ve been determined to get my diabetes reigned in and so I’ve made it a point to dose before I eat any food.

The difference has been astounding. My highest blood sugar today was 170 (not great, but better than the 300-400 I usually run). Otherwise, I’ve been hanging out at ~130.

Don’t be like me. Here’s just a friendly reminder to dose before you eat :).