I’ve been really struggling almost this entire summer with my diabetes. I’ve always had reasonable control, and then I went a couple years of really great a1cs and being on top of everything but this summer has been rough. Between a fairly major breakup, getting into a bunch of new activities that often involve new food and beers, and just crazy schedules in general, my diabetes took a major step back. It was a mental and emotional break for me but it’s gone on long enough and I need to get serious.
My last a1c was an 8.2. My doctor started asking about any symptoms like neuropathy and eyesight issues and that really made me realize I can’t take off months at a time like this.
What are your ways to motivate yourself to get back into serious control? I have a Dexcom and pump, which help a lot. It’s getting pretty cold where I am though so outdoor sports and athletics aren’t really any option for me for the next few months. The hardest thing for me is I’ll mess up, accidentally go up to 300, and then I beat myself up for hours waiting for the insulin to kick in and get me back down. My mental health is not doing great but I can’t find that balance between being aggressive with my control and being easy on myself when those mistakes happen.
I’ve been t1d for 21 years but this is one of the hardest times I’ve been through. I’m looking into getting a therapist just to help me through these feelings but in the meantime I’m hoping some fellow diabetics can offer advice on how to get back into the groove with this disease.
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