Can someone please help me?

Basically I’m 15 (16 in a month) and my whole life at my school I struggled with bullying for being skinny I have always hated how I look and now it is my last year of 5 at school and what can I say, it’s sort off like people have matured and I decided even if I’m thin I would not take shit from people anymore and almost got into a fight but it was stopped by a teacher and since then no one has bullied me since.

Right onto the actual relevant topic off diabetes I was diagnosed about 6 months ago now and recently got my second hba1c off 22 (which is 4.5 I think) so all is good so far. However I have had a crush for about 8 months now and I really need to put on weight for her but mainly to just look normal the bullying stoped but now I just want to put on weight for my self I’m 5 foot 10 and 57 kg which is 125lbs so yeah you can sorta imagine that I look disgusting. I have been 57kg for my past 2 diabetes clinic so yeah I’m not putting anymore on.

The thing is when I first came into hospital I Weighed 50kg so when they told me I would put on weight I was buzzing and thought I finally wouldn’t look like a twig but 7kg later and I look exactly the same I don’t know where that weight even went lmao my arms are still skinny I still have twig legs and just a very thin stomach but I have always had a six pack for some reason I don’t even do much ab workouts at all lmao.

About a year ago before I was diagnosed I tried to put on weight, I got a set off weight plates and had a app called 5 x 5 stronglifts tried to eat as much as I could I had a app to track my calories and had protein shakes and maybe it worked a little I think I put on 1-2kg but that was not worth it at all for the effort I put in.

So now I’m going to try again before school ends, I have 7 months to try and put on some god forsaken weight I don’t even want to be ripped just look normal, so what would your advice be? My plan is for Christmas go all out on weights (I don’t have the self confidence to go the gym yet and I prefer home workouts anyway) should I try and use diabetes to my advantage and give a lot off insulin and eat a lot because I read giving it in big amounts means you put more weight on, should I go all out this time and just eat eat eat and not give up sorry for the long post but please for my sanity give me tips to putting on weight thankyou.