37m from Australia, So I just been diagnised with early onset Type 2 Diabetes, And wondering WTF am I supposed to eat now

I weigh 117kg, but I am 6foot (183cm) My ideal weight would be about 95kg, any lighter I look like a rake...

Now I dont smoke or drink alcohol, my only really unhealthy vice is Coca Cola (I'm in the process of cutting this from my diet, unless we go out for dinner or special occasions), I eat ok, I try to eat reasonably healthy I can't stand fruit or nuts in cereal, so no sultanas or berrys.. Im pretty active with work, Breakfast normally consists of cereal of some sort, WeetBix, Cornflakes, or ricebubbles (I think they are rice crispies in the USA) Or Maybe vegemite or honey on toast (Multi grain bread)

with either OJ or a cuppa tea, on my day off I might do bacon and eggs..

Lunch may consist of a banana, or a sandwich of some type..

I might also randomly snack on other fruit, such as watermelon, peaches, grapes, oranges once again not a fan of berrys or sultanas/dried fruit...

Dinner might be meat (Chicken, Fish love a good piece of salmon, or any fish for that matter, beef) and three veg, and maybe a good 300gm steak once a fortnight. Sometimes I do a pasta dish or a killa Quiche. I am quite partial for a good hamburger (I mean one with Lettuce Tomato and beetroot, not maccas crap.. lol) or a pizza, (preferably one that's not too greasy) But I eat these sparingly..

I can't stand Tofu, Lentils, beans (apart from green beans)

Most diabetes recipes I have seen revolve around these so I have no idea where to start.. 😔🥴 I just want food with more flavour than cardboard..

Any suggestions/recipes Would be great