Looking for community and help..

Hi, my name is Lola and I recently got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the ripe old age of... well I don't want to give it out but lets say young adult, past teenage years. It's been a very bumpy ride with trying out medications, new diets, and just TODAY starting insulin. My girlfriend doesn't have diabetes and is very supportive of me and wants to change her eating habits to reflect mine, which helps a ton. But otherwise I don't have any other diabetic friends or associates to relate to or get help from... so I thought this would be a proper place to turn.

My biggest problems are my texture issues (sprung up by being on the autistic spectrum) with food. I've been switching to a mainly protein-based diet but I have severe cravings for crunchy foods as well as sweets. The funny thing about sweets is that I wasn't even a big sweet connoisseur until I got diagnosed!! So inconvenient lol. I would appreciate some low carb snack recommendations or even some tasty low-carb meals to help with these cravings..

I have almost completely switched from regular soda to diet soda and water, mainly water. So that's not really an issue anymore at least. I'm also a fulltime college student and want to find a way to work exercise into my routine without overloading myself.

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this!!