So, about a year and a half ago, after Animus went out of business, I went with Medtronic as my new insulin system. After a bit of time figuring out how a CGM worked (my instructor wasn't all that great), I got my basel nailed down. Better yet, I can typically keep my BGs below 160 (210 and above being my high) between 3:00 AM and 7:00 AM.
Has anyone else had luck trying/getting their basals just right?
Edit 1: I was reading an article on how the Dawn phenomenon interacts with your body. So I'm gonna tack on a extra question because I have noticed this and am starting to think there's a possible correlation: do/did you feel better with a higher BG when waking up? I don't mean mentally but physically. Do you feel more rested and energized when you wake up?
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