I love metformin for type 1

I continue my trial with metformin ER 500mg x2 a day. I have had no side effects to report. As time has gone by, it's had a greater impact on my blood sugar and I've had to decrease not only my basals by about 20% across the board but also switched up my carb ratio. I'm at 1:10 now, which is almost in the normal range, by my estimates! It's working to decrease my needs of insulin. More interestingly, though, to me, is that it has made my blood sugars make more sense in lots of ways. There were some meals or food that I just had to bolus extra for. That no longer seems to be the case. Whey protein, a perennial topic of discussion here no longer seems to have the outside impact on blood sugar. I bolus for the carbs now and everything works out essentially. My diabetes seems to me to have become less idiosyncratic.